anticipated releases of 2022

Hi friends! Happy holidays to anyone celebrating!

Wow, I cannot believe that 2022 is already so close now. While the passage of time is incredibly daunting for me, it also means so many of the books I’m looking forward to reading will be released soon!

I’ve narrowed down my anticipated releases of 2022 to a few below, and thought I would also share why I’m excited to read them!

No Filter and Other Lies

Author: Crystal Maldono
Genre: Contemporary
Release date: 1st February


Why I want to read it: I immensely enjoyed reading Maldono’s debut novel Fat Chance Charlie Vega, and after finishing I immediately added her upcoming novel to my tbr. Her writing is so warm and powerful – even though I’m not a teenager anymore I know my teenage self would have been so happy to read such an emotional book like Charlie Vega, and it makes me excited to read more books by Maldono.

You Truly Assumed

Author: Laila Sabreen
Genre: Contemporary
Release date: February 8th

Why I want to read it: I jump at any chance to read a book with Muslim rep, especially one with Black Muslim rep since that’s not easy to find. This is Sabreen’s debut novel but I’ve already heard such good things about it, which makes me so happy and so eager to read it next year.

A Far Wilder Magic

Author: Allison Saft
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Release date: March 8th

Why I want to read it: I recently read Down Comes the Night only a few weeks ago and I loved it. I’ve heard from my friends who have read the advanced reader’s copy of this that it’s even better than DCTN, which makes me so excited to read it!

A Magic Steeped in Poison

Author: Judy I. Lin
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Release date: March 22nd

Why I want to read it: First off, look at that cover and tell me you don’t want that on your bookshelf. It’s so absolutely gorgeous! I also recently read a review for this by Amanda, which I loved reading and has made me even more excited to read this. Se really enjoyed it so I’m sure I will too.

Portrait of a Thief

Author: Grace D. Li
Genre: Mystery
Release date: April 5th


Why I want to read it: A few of my good friends have read the advanced copies of these books and really loved it, and have spoken about how beautiful the writing is, which makes me so eager to pick this up!

Queen of The Tiles

Author: Hanna Alkaf
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Release date: April 19th

Why I want to read it: I fell in love with Alkaf’s other novel, The Weight of Our Sky, and it has me so eager to read another novel by her. And it’s got competitive scrabble and murder, a strange combination I am dying (ha!) to read now.

Wake the Bones

Author: Elizabeth Kilcoyne
Genre: Thriller, Paranormal, Fantasy
Release date: July 12th

Why I want to read it: This is yet another novel that caught my eye because of it’s amazing cover. It immediately caught my eye, and has me so intrigued by it. It’s a horror novel as well, so you know I have to read it as soon as I can.


Author: Tracy Deonn
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery
Release date: July 26th


Why I want to read it: Legendborn quickly stole my heart when I read it last year, and I have been eagerly awaiting any crumb about the sequel ever since. Deonn announced not only the release date for the long awaited sequel, but this gorgeous cover for it too! I’m so excited and can’t wait to see where this story takes us and what happens to Bree.

Of course, there are lots more books being released next year that I’m excited for. Here’s some others I’m very intrigued by and looking forward to picking up in the new year:

Thank you for reading!
What 2022 releases are you excited for?

29 thoughts on “anticipated releases of 2022

  1. I can’t get over how adorable your blog posts are! The little animations are so unique and pretty!
I want to read most of these books too – especially A Magic Steeped in Poison and Portrait of a Thief and Queen of the Tiles!! I’m itching to pick those three up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t gotten around to Legendborn yet, but everyone I know loved it, so I’m excited about it. I’m also really, really pumped for the release of Portrait of a Thief. It might just be my most anticipated 2022 release!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am SO EXCITED for a far wilder magic!!! AND ALSO, thank you for adding more books to my TBR, literally all of these look SO GOOD???!! I really hope you enjoy all of these, and OMG YOUR GRAPHICS ARE ALWAYS SO GORGEOUS, AND YOUR POSTS ARE THE BEST!!! ❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so hyped for Bloodmarked after a long wait after Legendborn’s ending ahh, and A Magic Steeped in Poison sounds delightful as well! Portrait of a Thief was such an impressive debut, I hope you enjoy it too! Lovely post as always, happy end of the year, Saima! ❤


  5. I’m sad that Down Comes the Night ebook is unavailable in my country but I hope A Far Wilder Magic is at least available. I can’t wait to read A Magic Steeped in Poison and Bloodmarked (impatiently waiting for it) from this list. Also, I loveThe Witchery book cover😍

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